Overdigm visits USA! : 01 Washington

Wa 01

So busy in September, Overdigm was invited to USA by KBS (KIT BOND STRATEGIES).
We met several global companies and digital signage companies.

With the warm welcome of KBS, we started from Washington, Louisiana and St. Louis,
having lots of meeting with various companies, and finally ended with a farewell dinner with KBS.

We met Kit Bond, Linda Bond and Mike Dubois after a long time.

KBS arranged the farewell dinner for Overdigm. We all felt like one team.

Honeywell is the first company We met in Washington,.
Honeywell is a solutions provider and B2B manufacturer in the various industries including aerospace, refining, automotive, construction, manufacturing and so on.

At the entrance, a nice welcome board was prepared ~
New combination between Overdigm’s Glasses-free 3D display and Honeywell’s various businesses is to be expected~

Next is Vricon.
Vricon is a geospatial information data and software provider.

After meeting, We took a picture with big smile.
