Mike Dubois from KBS(Kit Bond Strategies) revisits Overdigm

Remember that last February, USA consulting company, KBS(Kit Bond Strategies) and Overdigm signed MOU? KBS’s director Mr. Mike Dubois visited Overdigm again on Jul. 6th.

Mr. Dubois had such a busy schedule but he really wanted to see the new office and Overdigm’s new product himself. He had a serious and long business meeting to discuss Overdigm’s business in USA.

The following day, even it’s Saturday, he visited Overdigm’s Hwaseong plant. He kept saying ‘Wow’ while he was hearing Mr. Lee’s – CTO of Overdigm – explanation how the progress had been made and the new product’s quality. He told that he became fully confident of discussing with KBS’s partners about businesses with Overdigm.